
About TechSearch

The Tech Job Web Search uses job listings scraped from Indeed.com on January 2, 2020 to provide a summary of the total number of jobs, the average salary range and the top 10 technical skills for four broad tech positions in the top 20 tech cities in the U.S.

The four broad tech positions – Data Scientist, Web Developer, UX Designer and iOS Developer – actually include all positions related to that job title. So,a Web Developer includes Web Developer, Front End Engineer, PHP Developer and many other titles deemed by Indeed.com to be Web Developer-related positions.

The top 20 tech cities were determined by calculating the top 20 metro areas(MSAs) in the U.S. based on the highest average mean wage for computer and mathematical occupations. The Indeed.com search takes a 25 mile radius from the city, so the results include surrounding areas of the cities.

How the App Works

While the Web app is very simple to use, it required significant data science behind the scenes to construct the summary results.

  1. Web Site Scraping – Code was created to scrape the data from the Indeed.com web site.
  2. Natural Language Processing (NLP) – The raw results from the web scraping were then processed using NLP.
  3. Final Dataframe – A summary dataframe was created for storing the final summary data.

Meet The Team

The Tech Job Search Web app was created by Jim King and Brandon Franks. Jim King handled the data science and Flask application while Brandon Franks designed the user interface and handled the web development work.

Jim King

Jim King

Project Manager

Data Scientist

Brandon Franks

Brandon Franks

Front-End Developer